What Is A Living Wage?
The living wage for 2024/2025 in Niagara is $20.90 per hour. It is calculated as an evidence-based hourly rate at which a household in Niagara can meet its basic needs.
Poverty Reduction Tool
A living wage is an important poverty reduction tool to help get Niagara residents out of severe financial stress by providing the means to raise children and take part in social and community activities.
Based on the Cost of Living
Living wage is not the same as minimum wage, which is the legal minimum all employers must pay. The living wage reflects what earners in a household need to be paid, based on the actual cost of living and being included in a specific community.
The living wage for 2024/2025 in Niagara is $20.90 per hour. It is calculated as an evidence-based hourly rate at which a household in Niagara can meet its basic needs.
Included in this calculation are:
- food
- shelter
- clothing
- transportation
- communication
- child care
- private health care insurance for prescription medication/dental coverage
- continuing education for adults to upgrade skills
- participation in community (i.e. recreation and leisure)
Living Wage Employers in Niagara
The list of Niagara Living Wage Employers is growing monthly and can be viewed by industry or on the interactive map. Are you on the list?
View Living Wage EmployersWhy Become A Living Wage Employer?
Living Wage Employers are responsible employers who care about their employees and the community. They recognize that paying a living wage constitutes a critical investment in the long–term prosperity of the economy by fostering a dedicated, skilled and healthy workforce. The Living Wage Employer Program recognizes and celebrates employers that pay their direct and indirect employees a living wage.
Council is proud to support the City of St. Catharines becoming a Living Wage certified employer. We join a growing list of Niagara companies that believe in the principles of a living wage as a means to generate greater economic opportunity for everyone, and to call attention to this vital quality-of-life measure.